Les deux Alpes | les 2 Alpes | hotels | chalets | apartments
Accommodation, chalets, studio apartments in the Deux Alpes and other useful information can be found on our "other services page" or on the following website: 2alpesnet
Airport taxi, airport bus, airport coach, airport shuttle and airport transfers are the various descriptions of the transport available to get you to and from the 2 Alps (les deux Alpes) resort from the surrounding airports and train stations such as Grenoble, Lyon, Geneva and Chambery which are all easily accessible.
Alp venture offer all year round private transfers to all hotels, chalets and apartments in the 2 Alps resort and surrounding areas.
Transfer Times from airports
(Approximate times based on normal road conditions)
Grenoble: 1 hour 45 minutes
Lyon: 2 hours 30 minutes
Chambéry:2 hours 15 minutes
Geneva: 3 hours 15 minutes
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